Take advantage of the future.

dotVenv is proudly taking advantage of the technologies we have today and are developing projects of any scale for people around the world.

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Get your vision completed with dotVenv.

Using the latest technologies such as frameworks (Django), (Docker) and languages (Python), dotVenv is able to develop top tier software and web applications. Taking into count what your needs are is how we get our job done.

Cyber Security

Keep your mind at ease knowing that we develop each project with different encryption for sensitive data and provide more than the engineering standard for cyber security.

Data Integrity and Analytics

We allow you the option to visually keep track of your data's analytics with data science, and ensure all your data is accurate with data integrity.


RegenAI is a term for our AI system, when we train and integrate our AI, we use the latest hardware technologies availables to us in the latest collaboration between (AWS) and (NVIDIA). RegenAI can be integrated into any project without collecting any of your data on our end.

Take advantage of automation.

"Reptitive tasks" can range from something small to large tasks, take advantage of automation and completeing these tasks within the system.



Real-time notifications to keep you or your users up-to-date with what you want.


RegenAI Journeys

RegenAI to simplify moving through huge data or tailoring expierences for your user.


Custom Timed Jobs

Set times for certain tasks to execute and complete with no hassle or work from the operator.


User management

Managing user accounts can become an overload, instead allow these changes to cascade with automation.

Protecting data is
a top priority

dotVenv commits to ensuring all you and your users data is protected as it sits or flows, developing offline or secure SSH then transferring data directly to the host with no middle-man. Everytime. No matter how large.


Storing data, we use a system built on MySQL, but before moving that data we make sure all authenticaton methods are passed as well as the open source MariaDB.

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dotVenv Projects

See what some of our capabilites, and visit some of our projects.

Public Projects Coming Soon

Changes take time to plan

We know things need to be planned out before-hand to guage the entire scope of whats going to happen. So we encourage you to reach out if you need an estimate or to see if we can get the job done.

Save Time

  • Quick price estimate
  • "Are We Capable?" response
  • What we would need to do.
  • 48hr response time.

Ready to get started?

Reach out to dotVenv now! 48 hour response time.

US: +1 346-447-4152

1321 Upland Dr. PMB 20816, Houston, Texas, 77043, US

[email protected]

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